5 Eco-Friendly Food Packaging Options Without Plastic

5 Eco-Friendly Food Packaging Options Without Plastic

Posted by Melanie Green on Dec 26th 2022


It’s hard to avoid using plastic when buying food and beverages because of the convenience it offers. Unfortunately, this convenience comes with a cost: plastic can leach toxic chemicals into our foods and beverages, which is why many people are opting for eco-friendly alternatives to plastic. This article details five different options for packaging your food and drinks without using plastic.


Paper packaging is a convenient choice for food manufacturers, especially if they have to package thousands of units. However, paper alone isn’t enough to protect food products. To help with this problem, some manufacturers use wax paper on the inside of the packaging so that it can keep food fresh for longer. Wax paper is an eco-friendly choice because it’s made from natural ingredients.


Cardboard boxes are a great option when you want to package your food or drink in a way that won't damage it. You can use cardboard boxes stacked together for stacking, or simply use the flat sides of the box to hold your product in place. Plastic bags are also another option, but they can be expensive and take up space. Cardboard boxes are also easy to store, which is important when you have limited storage space in your business. Cardboard boxes come in all shapes, sizes, and colors so there's no limit.


Bamboo utensils, trays, and boxes are becoming more and more popular in the food and beverage industry. These products are lightweight, biodegradable, and cut down on packaging waste. Choose bamboo utensils over plastic ones to avoid the harmful effects of plastic.


Glass containers are more durable, so they're good for long-term storage. If you're looking for a reusable container, glass is the preferred choice. Glass containers are dishwasher safe and can be cleaned with soap and water. Glass containers can be recycled through your local recycling program or at community venues like grocery stores.


Wood packaging can be a great choice when it comes to food and beverage packaging. The benefits of using wood packaging are numerous: You can use sustainable, renewable resources to create an eco-friendly product that lasts longer. In addition, the fact that wood is renewable means that you won't have to worry about deforestation, which is a serious problem in the world today.

Plastic can be useful in packaging but it has also been problematic for the environment. There are other options available for you to get quality packaging without using any kind of plastic.

These options from PacknWood are all eco-friendly. Not only will you be keeping your restaurant running, you can also help protect the environment. Replace all of your restaurant supplies with eco-friendly options by contacting PacknWood. Call our office at +1 (201) 604-3840 or send us a message through our website. We can help you find the right supplies for your establishment.


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