The Benefits of Bamboo Spoons

The Benefits of Bamboo Spoons

Posted by Melanie Green on Sep 16th 2020

SKU: 210CVPL125

People like to use bamboo products. They feel great in their hands, they look good, and the properties of bamboo make it a good resource for making a wide variety of products. The food service industry is turning to bamboo cutlery to replace traditional plastic cutlery, and many restaurants are seeing that the new cutlery is a better choice for several reasons. Here are several benefits to switching to bamboo spoons. 

Why Bamboo?

Bamboo is a type of wood that has been used for centuries because of its basic properties. Bamboo can be flexible, but also make sturdy and strong structures. It is easy to work with since it can be cut into shapes with minimal effort. Plus, bamboo is heat and cold-resistant. All of these properties bring out the best benefits when bamboo is turned into eco-friendly restaurant supplies, like PacknWood’s Compostable & Heat Proof Bamboo Fiber Spoons.

Another reason why bamboo is a preferred wood to work with is that it grows very quickly. Bamboo is counted as a renewable resource since it can be regrown in a short amount of time, unlike other types of wood. With the turnover of resources in the foodservice industry, having products made of bamboo means that restaurants and manufacturers can use a lot of resources without hurting the planet. 

Biodegradable and Compostable Spoons

Bamboo has two qualities that make it one of the best materials for making single-use restaurant supplies: it is biodegradable and compostable. Being biodegradable, these spoons will naturally breakdown when exposed to the elements. Disposing of bamboo fiber spoons won’t hurt the environment. The industry gets even more use out of these spoons since they are compostable. Disposal companies can add these spoons to industrial compost resources, which can produce natural fertilizer for farming. These spoons won’t hurt the environment, and can actually help the environment by reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. 

All-Purpose Spoons

To get the most out of your restaurant supplies, you will need multi-purpose or all-purpose supplies. Cutlery tends to have a problem with different temperatures, making it harder to find an all-purpose disposable cutlery option. One of the problems with cutlery is that most cutlery can handle either hot or cold foods. Bamboo fiber spoons are heat and cold-resistant, which makes them the perfect fit for any restaurant service. Having one type of cutlery makes it easier for staff members to ensure that they provide the right cutlery for each order. Plus, you won’t have to maintain different cutlery supplies, reducing your overall supply costs. This can increase the margins on for your orders, helping your company stay in business for the long-term. 

Switch to Bamboo Spoons

Bamboo spoons are one of the leading alternatives to traditional plastic cutlery. Your restaurant can take advantage of the benefits that bamboo cutlery provides by making the switch to bamboo cutlery. PacknWood has bamboo spoons and other cutlery options that are better for the environment than traditional plastic options. Call PacknWood at (201) 604-3840 to add eco-friendly restaurant supplies to your operations.  


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