3 Ways Restaurants Can Increase Sales Through Delivery

3 Ways Restaurants Can Increase Sales Through Delivery

Posted by Melanie Green on Oct 30th 2019

Executive Bento Box

Every restaurant looks for ways of increasing their sales, and most try sales gimmicks and discounts, which cut into their profits. You can take a more productive path to increased sales by improving your delivery options. Many restaurants overlook delivery as a viable option because they think that they cannot control the quality of their service once the food leaves the restaurant. However, the right delivery options give you full control over your presentation and customer experience. Here are three ways restaurants can increase sales through delivery.

Choose the Right Container

Windowed Black Containers

You can increase your delivery sales by choosing the right container. Customers don’t want delivery food that comes in a bland, flimsy container. Your delivery containers are an extension of your brand, so choose a container that represents you well. For example, you may want to choose something out of our Black Collection if you have an upscale restaurant. The stylish black containers have a unique look and will help your restaurant stand out in their minds.

Focus on Presentation

Windowed Salad Box

Another major concern that restaurants have is how to keep the food looking great while it is being delivered. Traditional takeout boxes make it difficult to see what is in them, so styling your food and making sure it is presentable is next to impossible. Choose a container that lets you see your food without having to open the container. A windowed container lets you create a pleasant presentation with your food that customers will see right away. Since people perceive better tastes when they like the look of their food, you’ll have a big advantage when it comes to increasing delivery sales.

Go the Extra Mile with Packaging

Takeout Container Sets

If you want to wow your take-out customers, then you need to go the extra mile with packaging. Your packaging must be of high quality and eye-catching to draw your customers in. By choosing the right packaging, you can develop a customer experience separate from your restaurant, but just as memorable. To do this, pick packaging that is appropriate for your restaurant but stands out with special design or coloring options.

Bento boxes are a good place to start. You can contain every part of the meal in its own portion of the container, making it easier to keep things separated and presentable. Another option is to create a VIP lunch set that combines several specialized containers so that you can present your food in the best way possible. Not only does this give your takeout the feel of being a good choice, but it also makes it a special experience for your customers. Don’t forget to invest in quality cutlery too. Bamboo cutlery and other specialty cutlery options are an upgrade over the generic plastic options, and leave a more memorable impression.

If you want the best packaging for your restaurant, then find an expert partner to help you. PacknWood carries a wide selection of food packaging options, including specialty and eco-friendly options, that make it easy to find the containers that you need. Many of our takeout containers are designed with presentation and eco-friendly practices in mind. To learn more about our line of delivery food packaging, email us at to request a catalog.


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